Monday, June 28, 2010

Season of Change

Well, it's been FAR too long since I've last updated our blog. We've had a busy few weeks, and I've let this get farther and farther down my to-do list. Where to start?

Our adoption is still moving ahead steadily. We're 3 monthes into our wait for a referral,
so we anticipate another 3-4 monthes before we get that exciting phone call. With some of the changes being made in Korea, we will then have to wait up to a year before we can bring our little guy home. We're trusting God that it will be HIS perfect timing. We had a few bumps in the road the last 2 monthes with paperwork and immigration, but God has smoothed out each and every one as they've come up. Steve and I went to a CIS (Customs Immigration Services) appointment last week to have our set of federal fingerprints taken. While I was sitting there waiting, I was reminded of how fortunate we are, and all that we often take for granted as citizens of this free country. I sat surrounded by people who were nervously waiting while CIS officials were updating visa's, green cards, and prepping immigrants for their citizens tests. I leaned over to Steve and we talked about how thankful we need to be for the rights we have. Our right to adopt, being one of them. We're continuing to complete grant applications, some of our paperwork delays caused us to have to wait on many of the applications. So, I'm back at it. Not my favorite thing to do, but nonetheless, it's important and I'll continue to plug away.

On another note, we've also had an work opportunity come up for Steve in recent weeks. He was contacted by a company that he worked for years ago, and asked to be part of a restoration project on a cathedral in Sioux Falls, SD. I must say, we were pretty surprised that he was being scouted from another company, especially knowing that several of their employees were currently laid off. After much prayer, we decided that he would do the Sioux Falls project,but since the job will last the next 6-7 monthes, we would stick together as a family and do this together. I can't say this was a very easy decision, but the Lord reminded me how important it is for our family to stay together. We just call our home a "mobile home", since WE make the home, not the dwelling we live in. So,
we got a little apartment in Sioux Falls, and we commute here Sun-Thurs, and we come back to the cities on the weekends. We're into our 3rd week now, and I am amazed at how easy it's gone. (I know that it's the grace of God!) The kids and I are really enjoying our days together, since this is the first summer in 6 years I haven't done daycare. It's a summer of parks, picnics, pools, museums, and we're having a blast! And, the kids LOVE seeing their Dad each night, rather than him living 4 hours away from us.

Bruk has headed to Washington DC for the summer, and he's hoping to visit his family in Ethiopia for a few weeks as well. We miss having him around! He's staying in the family though, and when school starts, he'll be staying with Steve's parents. Rhett especially misses his "big brother, Bruk"!

Well, that's a very nutshell-version of the latest happenings with our family. We're excited for what God has in store!!