Friday, February 11, 2011

God's Faithfully Providing!

Some very exciting news to report!!! Since starting our adoption, we have applied for many adoption grants. This process is long and required a lot of help from some of our amazing friends, who wrote reference letters and did phone interviews (THANK YOU!!) We'd been declined almost all of our applications until this Fall, when we were awarded a $2,500 matching grant from God's Grace Adoption Ministry! This was a HUGE blessing and couldn't come at better timing for our family. I mentioned this in a previous blog, as we began our fundraising efforts. Well - GOD is faithful to provide once again and we were able to raise funds with generous donations from family and friends totally $2,600. After the matching grant amount, the result is a $5,100 donation towards our son's adoption!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

And, even more good news......
We were still waiting to hear back from one final application - when we got the news that we are being awarded a $3,000 grant from Katelyn's Fund Ministry!! A few weeks ago, we were notified that we had been selected for a phone interview with their board. We were so blessed by the phone interview, and so encouraged by their board taking the time to encourage and pray with us for our adoption and other needs in our family. About a week after the interview, I got a phone call that they felt the Lord leading them to award our family a $3,000 grant. Tears poured out of my eyes and I once again, was reminded of God's faithfulness! Here is the website for Katelyn's Fund if you're interested in checking it out!

It still feels like a dream that we were awarded $8,100 in assistance towards our adoption. Not only the grants, and donations from loved ones, we've been amazed at how God has provided additional opportunities for income for Steve and I to help with adoption expenses. This truly is God demonstrating to us that he is providing for what He's called us to do. We still have a long ways to go, considering total adoption costs - but we are convinced God is going to continue to provide!!

Lastly, we haven't gotten any recent updates regarding our son. In Korea adoption, this is good news - since they only contact you if something comes up at one of his well checks. Although, what I wouldn't do for an updated picture of our little guy. The last one we received was his 8 month pic and considering he's got his 1st birthday on Feb 25th - he's likely changed quite a bit!! The good news is, that soon I won't have to wonder how he looks and I'll get to have him here and see every milestone and watch him grow for the rest of our lives. Waiting is hard, but God is faithfully giving us peace and comfort knowing that this wait it temporary and absolutely 100% worth it.

We hope to know more about estimated travel dates by the end of the month!
Thank you for your continued support!!