Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Home Stretch

A blog update is way overdue, and I'm so sorry I've not been good at updating this. I know I've seen many of you, or you've seen our updates on Facebook - so I assume most of you all know the latest. However, this blog is intended to track our adoption, and certainly there's been some updates in the last few months to report! I'm so happy to report that we are on the final stretch of our adoption process! It's been 9 months since we've been matched with William, and I've beginning to feel like an overdue pregnant mom!

We got a call today that our paperwork is at the Korean Embassy, and ready to be processed. There are two steps to the immigration process and we are beginning step 1. However, getting the call today - which didn't surprise us - became very surreal. Needless to say, I was a puddle after the call. We'll soon be bringing our son home, and this time it's true. Lord help me after I get the call that we're in step 2. Puddle times 100. We are anticipating that we'll have him in our arms by July or August at the latest. The immigration process is unpredictable, and just like in the United States - a passport can take 8 weeks, or it can show up on your door in 2. It's very hard to put a timeline on the immigration process. When we travel, we will be in Korea about a week. Our kids will stay here with grandparents, and we plan to all make a trip to Korea when they are older.

Our handsome little Will will turn 15 months next week!! He's had absolutely fabulous care in his foster home, and I'm eternally grateful for Mr. & Mrs. Gong, his foster parents. We're so anxious to meet them!!

Being that we're in our final phase of the adoption - we're getting our house ready for a toddler! I never imagined I'd be excited to go back to the toddler phase, but Will is OURS and because of that, I can hardly wait!!

We're also doing one last fundraising effort to help with final adoption costs, and travel expenses. We're hosting our second fundraising garage sale on June 15-17. We've already gotten some fabulous items donated from friends and family. I've been spending my days sorting/pricing/hanging, and loving it since I know it's all for our sweet little boy. I'll keep you posted on the details for the sale - if you'd like to come shop!!

Thanks again for all our support/encouragement/prayers!! We truly couldn't have gotten through this process without our family and friends. I'll keep you all posted on our travel notifications - and garage sale details!!


  1. Sending love and prayers your way (and Will's way too!)

  2. How exciting!
    God has His hand on you all and this is, literally, a match made in heaven.
    My prayers are with you!
