Sunday, August 28, 2011

Our Sweet Boy!!

Our dream finally came true -and we met our precious little boy!! We arrived a little early at the agency (and since the agency isn't normally open on weekends), we waited outside for our social worker to open the doors. While we waited a car pulled up, and we saw a little head bobbing up and down in the back seat. I can't even tell you how I felt - I've literally never experienced anything like it, or had so many mixed emotions at the exact same time. I knew the second we got a glance that it was HIM. His precious foster mom, Mrs. Gong spotted us and immediately carried him right over to me telling him "ohma" (mommy) and pointing to me. Of course, tears immediately flowed and I gave her a huge hug and got handed my little guy. I'll never forget how genuinely happy she seemed to be giving SeongChan to his mommy. I'm sure this meeting was emotional for her as well, who has had him for the last 17 monthes, and prepares to say goodbye to him in a few days.

I didn't get to hold him long, because this little guy likes to RUN. He is a VERY VERY busy and active little 18 month old, and he'd much rather be exploring than being held by someone he doesn't know yet. It was more a game of "chase me around!" I still loved every minute of our meeting, every flirt, giggle and attempt to play. He is a total ham and loves attention!! He seemed very comfortable with Steve and I and so happy! He's definitely very attached to his foster mom, which we expected. As long as she was in sight, he was happy as could be playing with us, letting us hold him (or chase him) and love on him. It broke my heart to see how sad he was when she walked out of the room at one point, and I'm praying for lots of GRACE and PEACE over him when we have our transition. I have to remember he's losing something in order to gain something, and I need to be prepared to help him and love him through this part. This is where I feel like my parenting skills go out the window and ask for God to give me wisdom!

One thing we learned is that SeongChan is very fond of his foster father, and I could tell he took an immediate liking to Steve. The boys played non-stop, while I had a crash course in learning as many details as I could about our son in a short period of time. I won't have another opportunity to visit with foster mom, so I wanted to try to learn as much from her as I could about his first 18 monthes. Not an easy task to accomplish in a short time - with a translator in between.

Our meeting lasted about an hour, and it felt like minutes. I did NOT want it to end, but knowing he's coming home with us made saying goodbye easier. SeongChan will stay with his foster mom for the next 4 nights, and then will be handed over to us the night before we fly home. We're very happy we'll get to have one night with him in the hotel, and are believing for lots of peace over him as we prepare for a 14 hour flight with him!

Steve and I will keep busy the next few days sightseeing and continue to learn as much as we can about Will's homeland. We were invited to a lunch at the agency tomorrow to meet other adoptive parents, which we're really looking foward to!

Please continue to lift up in prayer our transition and travel home! We'll keep you posted on more!!


  1. Your right - he's beautiful!! From the little video clips, we agree, he's very very busy!
    Enjoy some vacation time together. Hope you get to see Cindy Jang. Mom and Dad

  2. Thank you again Jerra for bringing us with you on this new part of your life. It brings tears for sure. This could be a book (need an illustrator?)Seriously!!!!!! Praying for transition and peace, Gods wisdom and supernatural love as both sides come to the place that God has prepared ahead of time. Thank you for following your heart.... This child will impact many because of the love he will have and Gods supernatural direction.
